Development Control Committee - 2 February 2022

Time: 10:00 am

Location: Boardroom, Murley Moss, Kendal, LA9 7RL.


Business Part One

  1. Apologies -  To receive and record apologies from members of the Committee who cannot attend.
  2. Minutes - To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2021.
  3. Chairman's Announcements
    The Chairman to announce to all attendees -
    • the fire safety instructions;
    • the meeting is being livestreamed and a digital sound recording of the meeting is made; and
    • that mobile phones be switched off.
  4. Declarations of Interest - Members should declare any registrable interests or disclosable pecuniary interests and state the nature of those interests so it can be recorded in the minutes.  These interests are described in the Code of Conduct adopted by the Authority on 20 October 2021.
  5. Public Participation - There are no public questions, petitions or deputations of a general nature relating to the business of the Committee for this meeting.
  6. Site Inspections  -  The Head of Development Management to advise Committee of forthcoming planning applications where Members may wish to conduct a site inspection prior to making their decision in accordance with the Development Control Committee Site Inspection Protocol.  Wednesday 9 February 2022 has been set aside for site inspections.


Access to Information - Local Government Act 1972 (As amended)

Agenda and Reports

Anyone can have a copy of the agenda and non-confidential reports before the meeting. Reports can be e-mailed as PDFs on request.

Background Papers

Physical copies of background papers will not be available for viewing at Murley Moss due to the current movement restrictions put in place by the Government following the Covid-19 outbreak. Papers can be e-mailed as PDFs on request. We cannot make background papers available for confidential papers.