We've produced a simple guide explaining the activities you can do on the main bodies of water, we also unpack further information below including maps of the main lakes. Please ensure you're aware of relevant speed limits and byelaws and to remember to Check, Clean, Dry your equipment to help stop dangerous invasive species from spreading between different areas.
Guide to allowed activities in our four navigable Lake District lakes

Contact: Lake District National Park: 01539 724555 or hq@lakedistrict.gov.uk

Contact: Lake District National Park: 01539 724555 or hq@lakedistrict.gov.uk

- Swimming: yes
- Canoes, kayaks and paddleboards: yes
- Rowing/Sailing boats: yes
- Powered craft: yes with10mph speed limit
- There is no access to islands in Derwentwater
- Derwentwater lake map (jetties, parking, facilities)
- Derwentwater byelaws
Contact: National Trust, N West :015394 35599

Coniston Water
Contact: Coniston Information Centre: 01539441533 or conistonbc@lakedistrict.gov.uk
Activities allowed in other Lake District lakes:

Contact: Lake District National Park: hq@lakedistrict.gov.uk or 01539 724555.

- Swimming: yes
- Canoes, kayaks and paddleboards: yes with a permit
- Rowing boats: yes with a permit
- Sailing boats: no
- Powered craft: no
- Small lakes byelaws
Contact National Trust N West: 015394 35599. Season Permits: 01768774649. Day permits: car parks Buttermere CA139UZ, Lanthwaite Wood CA13ORT

Crummock Water
- Swimming: yes
- Canoes, kayaks and paddleboards: yes with a permit
- Rowing boats: yes with a permit
- Sailing boats: no
- Powered craft: no
- Small lakes byelaws
Season Permits ring 017687 74649. Day permits available from car parks at Buttermere CA13 9UZ or Lanthwaite Wood CA13 ORT. Contact: National Trust, North West 015394 35599.

Ennerdale Water
- Canoes, kayaks, rowing boats: yes (commercial groups/activity providers/groups need permit)
- Sailing boats: no
- Powered craft: no
- Paddleboards: no
- Swimming: no
- Permits available from United Utilities
Contact United Utilities:

Esthwaite Water
Esthwaite Water is run as a private fishery, offering bank, row and motor boat fishing.
Contact: 015394 36541

- Swimming: yes
- Canoes, kayaks, paddleboards: yes
- Rowing boats: no
- Sailing boats: no
- Powered craft: no
- There is no access to the islands on Grasmere
- Small lakes byelaws
Contact Lowther Estates: 01931 712577

Haweswater Reservoir
- Swimming: no
- Canoes, kayaks and paddleboards: no
- Sailing boats: no
- Powered craft: no
Contact: United Utilities:

- Swimming: yes
- Canoes, kayaks: under 4m with permit
- paddleboards: under 4m with permit
- Rowing boats: under 4m with permit
- Sailing boats and powered craft: No
- Day permits from car parks at Buttermere CA13 9UZ and Lanthwaite Wood CA13 ORT.
- Small lakes byelaws
Contact: National Trust, North West
015394 35599


Thirlmere Reservoir
- Swimming: no
- Canoes, kayaks: yes
- Paddleboards: No
- Sailing boats
- Powered craft: No
Contact:United Utilities:

- Swimming: yes
- Canoes, kayaks and paddleboards: yes
- Rowing boats: yes
- Sailing boats: No
- Powered craft: No
- Small lakes byelaws
Contact: National Trust, North West
015394 35599
