Coniston Water Walk
The western shoreline of Coniston Water is a delightful mix of low hills and ancient woods punctuated by dashing becks and a series of peaceful pebble beaches. There are no roads; only tracks and paths, and the few buildings there that blend seamlessly with the landscape.

Strenuousness 1
Navigation 1
Technicality 1
Start/finish Coniston Boating Centre Car Park GR SD303975
Distance 13.2km (8.2 miles)
Time 3-4 hours
Height gain 200m
Terrain Valley roads, cycle tracks, lakeside tracks and farm access tracks.
Maps OS Landranger 90, OS Explorer OL7; Harveys' Superwalker Lakeland Central (1:25 000); British Mountain Maps Lake District (1:40 000).
- SD303975 Turn L out of the car park and head to the junction opposite the Black Bull. Crossover and turn L by the pub. Follow the lane to the end of the tarmac and turn Rto join the cycle-path, which is followedthrough woodland for 1.2km to an access point by the A593.
- SD310991 Cross the A593 to join the bridleway to Low Yewdale. The bridleway is followed past the farm and over Yewdale Beck. It climbs slightly then descends to pass Boon Crag Farm and joins the B5285.
- SD316982 Turn R on to the B5285 then join the cycle-path on its W side. Join it and follow it back to Coniston.
- SD303975 To start the southern loop of the ride follow the A593 for 1.25km to the bridge over the old railway track bed at Park Gate. Turn L off the road and take the cycle-path S past the caravan/camp site for 1.9km to join a minor road at an old railway bridge.
- SD288946 Turn L over the bridge, then turn L again to follow the access track NE to Hoathwaite Farm. Pass the farm and continue NE along the track towards Coniston Water. Near the lakeshore ignore the path and track on the R instead skirt L and head N near the side of the lake and follow the access track through the campsite to Coniston Hall.
- SD304963 At Coniston Hall follow the track N for 100m to pick-up the cycle-path on the R. Follow the cycle-path for about 1km to join Lake Road, which is followed to Coniston.