Temporary Closures of Rights of Way

Traffic Regulation Orders and Notices

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Temporary Closures of rights of way are usually to allow works to take place, for example, helicopter stonelifts for Fix the Fells work or replacement of large bridges.  They may also be made for reasons of public safety, for example motor rallies, forestry, utility works or building works that affect public paths.  Orders are planned in advance, and can last up to six months. Notices are for very short term issues and come into effect immediately.

A longer term Traffic Regulation Order is a legal order regulating traffic on public highways. This includes footpaths, bridleways, byways, restricted byways and carriageways with a predominantly unsealed surface. They can be made for reasons such as:

  • avoiding danger to people or other traffic
  • preserving the character of a road
  • preventing unsuitable use of a road
  • for the purpose of conserving or enhancing the natural beauty of the area

They can restrict:

  • All or certain specified types of user -  for example, all mechanically propelled vehicles except motorbikes
  • Use to certain times or seasons - for example, days of the week or width/height/length limits
  • The extent of road affected - for example, the whole of a road or to a specified length

How to apply for a Traffic Regulation Order/Notice

We need at least 10 weeks notice to process a Temporary Closure Order. Notices for 5 or 21 days can be processed immediately as we do not have to advertise them in the press.  Costs of orders and notices are usually met by the applicant. There are standard charges for processing Closure Orders and Notices.

Please contact either your local Ranger of a member of the Ranger Service on 01539 724555, as soon as you think you may need to close a path.

If you have any queries, or wish to apply for a closure, please contact Nick Thorne; nick.thorne@lakedistrict.gov.uk or 01539 792621, or Will Hinchliffe will.hinchliffe@lakedistrict.gov.uk 01539 792696.

Decisions taken under delegated powers

Decisions to make traffic regulation orders are taken under delegated powers.  Under the Openness of Government Regulations 2014 we publish all these decisions which can be seen on the Openness Of Government page.

Regular temporary closures

There are a couple of regular motor rally events which necessitate the temporary closure of Rights of Way in forestry areas to ensure public safety each year; the Malcolm Wilson Rally (usually held on a weekend in early March) and the Grizedale Stages Rally (usually held on a weekend in early December).

There are two sets of information below:

Intention to Make an Order

Before we make an Order we have to tell people what we intend to do and why. These Notices of Intention are published in the local press and on this website at least 7 days before the Order is made.

Part of Footpath 581041,  Windermere,  Windermere Parish - Westmorland and Furness Council Notice of Intention to make an Order

Date of change: 13 February 2025

Westmorland and Furness Council have given notice that they intend to make an Order closing part of footpath 581041 (between SD 40775 98794 and SD 40743 98786) in Windermere whilst works are undertaken to  install a new sewer system and connect it with the main drain which is beneath the footpath. They anticipate the Order coming into effect  from 1 April 2025 and it is anticpated the works will be completed within 28 days. Signage will be displayed whilst the closure is in effect. There is no suitable alternative available.

Notice and Plan

Current Traffic Regulation Orders and Notices

Part of Bridleways 342017 and 305007, Whale Bridge, Lowther and Askham Parishes - Order made by Westmorland and Furness Council

Date of change: 15 November 2024

Westmorland and Furness Council made an Order in June 2023 closing the section of bridleways 342017 and 305007 over the bridge over the River Lowther at Whale, the bridge requires re-decking. The Order has been extended by the Secretary of State in November 2024 until the end of September 2025 or until the completion of works to repair the bridge (whichever is the earlier). Although the Order remains in effect, it will only be in force and the bridge unavailable to users during the works. The works are now expected to be completed during the Summer of 2025 and to take around 5 days. There will be no suitable alternative route during the works.

Extension Letter, Notice and Plan

Expires 30 September 2025

Part of Footpath 511063, St Paul's Church, Rusland, Colton Parish

Date of change: 23 October 2024

We have converted the previous 21-day emergency closure notice to a temporary closure order for the part of the footpath that runs immediately alongside the western end of Rusland Church - masonry has fallen from the tower and there appears a likelihood  that more might fall before repair works can be undertaken to make it stable – posing an obvious risk to the public. Alternative routes are available passing through the churchyard around the eastern end of the church using the unaffected sections of the footpath and other paths within the churchyard.

The order will take effect from 23 October 2024 (when the current notice expires) and will continue in force for six months, or until works to stabilise the masonry have progressed such that it is safe to use the affected section of the footpath again, whichever is the earlier. If works to mitigate the danger have not sufficiently progressed during the order period, it may be extended with the authorisation of the Secretary of State.

Notice, Order and Plan

Expires:  23 April 2025

Part of Footpath  407042, Ling Mell Plantations, Ennerdale and Kinniside Parish

Date of change: 19 March 2025

The Secretary of State has extended the temporary closure order for part of footpath 407042 until 20 October 2025, or until works are complete, whichever is the earlier. This order will enable Forestry England (FE) to undertake felling and extraction of trees to control the spread of Phytophthora ramorum in larch within the Ling Mell / Silver Cove forestry plantations in order to comply with a Statutory Plant Health Notice. These works have now commenced and it is hoped they will be completed in May. The only extraction route available to FE is via footpath 407042 so the surface will be disturbed during the works, along with machinery and vehicles operating on or beside the path. The affected section of the footpath is shown between points A (NY 1360 1273) and B (NY 1339 1380) on the order plan. The order may be further extended with the authorisation of the Secretary of State. Alternative routes are available via a forest track between points C and D (continuing on to or from Footpath 407036). For routes heading to or from Tewit How, it is possible to use Bridleway 407028 between points A-E-F (with banks persons operating between points A and E). An Order diverting the definitive lines of several rights of way including footpath 407042 and bridleway 407028 has recently been confirmed by the Planning Inspectorate 5 September 2024 - the order plan shows the new definitive lines.

Notice, Extension Letter, Order and Plan

Expires: 20 October 2025 (or when works complete, if earlier)

Bridleway 407067, Broadmoor, Ennerdale and Kinniside Parish

Date of change: 19 March 2025

The Secretary of State has extended the temporary closure order for bridleway 407067 until 8 October 2025, or until works are complete, whichever is the earlier. Forestry England (FE) have been issued a Statutory Plant Health Notice to control the spread of Phytophthora ramorum in larch within the Broadmoor forestry plantation, requiring them to fell and extract trees in the vicinity of bridleway 407067. The bridleway is within the risk zone for falling trees, this order temporarily closing the bridleway will be in force during the works. The order may be extended further with the authorisation of the Secretary of State. The works are anticipated to take around 12 weeks once started. FE intend to make the bridleway safe before weekends and bank holidays so that the route can be available to the public at these times - signage on site will indicate when the bridleway is open or closed. An alternative route for cyclists and equestrian users will be available via the sealed U-road (U4277), footpath 407007 (Sawdust Lonning - which is also tarmacked and used as a vehicular road) and a short section of restricted byway 407061 (shown on the plan between points A-D-E-C). There is no suitable alternative for pedestrians.

Notice, Extension Letter, Order and Plan

Expires: 8 October 2025 (or when works complete, if earlier)

Beckside, Part of Footpaths 513039 and 513040, Crook Parish

Date of change: 5 September 2024

The Department for Transport has extended the Order temporarily closing sections of footpaths 513039 and 513040 whilst renovation works on the buildings at Beckside are carried out. The sections shown in red on the order plan between points A and C and points B and D will be closed until 28 March 2025, or until works which may endanger or obstruct the public are complete (if earlier). Alternative routes are available during the closure through the field to the south of the buildings - suggested routes are shown in green on the plan.

Site Notice and Extension Letter, Notice, Order and Plan

Expires: 28 March 2025

Part of Footpath 418009, Ravenglass Railway Bridge, Muncaster Parish

Date of change: 19 March 2025

The Department for Transport has further extended the Order temporarily closing the railway footbridge and its approaches until 30 October 2025, or until the completion of the works, whichever is the earlier. The order will remain in effect until the repairs are complete and the bridge safe to use. Network Rail now expect their works to be complete in May 2025 - they have removed the bridge structure so that repairs / replacement of the corroded parts and refurbishment of the bridge can be carried out off-site at their workshop, before re-installation.

An alternative route is possible from the south end of Main Street following bridleway 418029 along the beach and then footpath 418008 through the rail underpass to join footpath 418001 north through Walls Plantation. It should be noted that this route is not as accessible as the closed footpath and occasionally at high water this route may not be usable at all.

Site Notice, Extension Letter, Notice and Order

Expires: 30 October 2025 (or when works complete, if earlier)

Huck's Bridge / A6 to Breast High Road, Bridleway 355041, Orton Parish

Date of change: 24 July 2024

The Department for Transport has further extended the Order temporarily closing the bridleway between the A6 at Huck's Bridge (Low Borrowbridge) and Breast High Road, which has been affected by landslips, which are still deteriorating.  The route is no longer safe for users on the original line of the bridleway.  An alternative route exists adjacent to the closed path for walkers, but for cyclists and horse-riders the only alternative is the Breast High Road byway (ford) – which is sometimes impassable at the ford/stepping stones.

Extension Letter, Notice and Order

Expires: 3 September 2025

Stanley Ghyll Lower Falls, Footpath 408037, Eskdale Parish

Date of change: 21 November 2024

Following damage during Storm Arwen and subsequent rockfalls, the footpath to the Lower Falls at Stanley Ghyll remains closed because it has been damaged, made unstable, and unsafe - creating a danger to the public.  The section closed is between the former location of the footbridge (which has been removed) at SD 1742 9958 and the lower falls at SD 1743 9953. There is no access to the lower falls, but the upper falls are now visible from the new viewing platform.

The Secretary of State has now extended the order until 1 June 2025. Our contractors have produced a report on remedial options for works which may reduce the risk. The site is a SSSI and Natural England consider that these remedial options would present an unacceptable detriment to the features of the SSSI.

We are therefore now considering making a (long-term) Traffic Regulation Order closing the affected section of footpath whilst we consider what other options may be available, and if identified allow us to assess, get consent for and carry out these works to reinstate the footpath.


Notice, Extension Letter and Order- Stanley Ghyll Lower Falls, FP 408037- temporary closure

Expires: 1 June 2025

Newlands Beck - Part of Footpath 201023, Newlands Beck, Little Braithwaite, Above Derwent Parish

Date of change: 5 December 2023

Part of footpath 201023, along the bank of Newlands Beck south of Little Braithwaite (shown A-B in red on the attached plan) is closed to the public because the river washed away the bank and footpath during Storm Ciara (February 2020) with further subsequent damage.  The extent of the damage has grown significantly since then.

The Order came into effect on 18 February 2020 and was extended until 31 December 2023 - the Secretary of State has now further extended this - until 31 December 2025.  We intend to make a diversion order to resolve this issue.  Meanwhile, please use alternative routes following public roads to the east or west and other footpaths, which can be seen on the map.

Case Officer: If you have any queries, please contact Nick Thorne, Senior Rights of Way Officer on 01539 792621 or nick.thorne@lakedistrict.gov.uk

Notice, Order and Extension Approval Letter- Newlands Beck, part of Footpath 201023

Expires: 31 December 2025

Permanent Restrictions



  • Nibthwaite to Parkamoor
  • Path or road number: U5051
  • Dates of closure: Discretionary closures depending on weather and condition
  • Reason: To protect the surface and amenity
  • We are advised by Westmorland & Furness Council that as this TRO has not been activated for many years, it would likely require consultation with stakeholder and interested parties before bringing it into effect again - and possibly a new or revised TRO.  Please direct any equiries to Westmorland & Furness Council.


  • Rusland Pool
  • Path or road number: U5566
  • Dates of closure: Seasonally closed between 1 October and 31 May
  • Reason: To protect the fish stocks in Rusland Pool and both Ashes Beck and Force Beck


Missing Bridges and Other Known Issues on Rights of Way

Sometimes it is necessary for us to remove or tape off an unsafe bridge, or rights of way become obstructed or difficult to use due to other issues such as stepping stones being washed away or a riverside path surface eroding or collapsing. These issues do not always necessitate a legal temporary closure. Below are locations with current issues we are aware of on the rights of way network. We have provided details of usable alternatives where possible and what action we plan to take to address the issues.

Memorial Bridge over River Liza, Footpath 407033 Ennerdale and Kinniside Parish

Location: Grid reference:  NY 1757 1318, nearby What 3 Words reference: hushed.newlywed.legroom

Details of issue: We have had to remove the ‘Memorial Bridge’ over the River Liza in Ennerdale, which is crossed by Footpath 407033. The bridge was blown over and off its abutments during Storm Éowyn in January 2025, and sustained significant damage in the process.

Alternative routes: The most direct alternative routes for users wishing to cross the river are via the bridleway (407021) along the northern side of the river, or the forest track adjacent to the river on its southern side to reach the crossings at ‘Middle Bridge’ approximately one kilometre west-northwest of the closed bridge or (via the bridleway) the bridge southeast of Black Sail Hut.

Plans to address issue: We intend to replace this bridge as part of our bridge work programme, hopefully during 2025 if sufficient funding can be identified.

Plan showing location of removed Memorial Bridge, Ennerdale

Bridge at Beech Hill, Footpath 209001, Blindbothel Parish

Location: Grid reference: NY 1109 2456, nearby What 3 Words reference: journals.concluded.homes

Details of issue: We have removed the bridge at Beech Hill as the beam had become rotten and was potentially unsafe.

Alternative routes: Possible alternatives on the surrounding road and rights of way network include the U2196 between Beech Hill and Mosser Mains or Footpath 209016 and 209002 between Beech Hill and Mosser Mains via Underwood, as shown on the map below.

Plans to address issue: We intend to replace this bridge as part of our bridge work programme in 2025.

Map showing location of missing bridge at Beech Hill

Bridge near Black Sail Hut,  Bridleway 407001, Ennerdale and Kinniside Parish

Location: Grid reference:  NY1970 1208, nearby What 3 Words reference: stint.brink.roses

Details of issue: We have removed the bridge over the River Liza on Bridleway 407001, to the southeast of Black Sail Hut as the bridge had sustained weather damage over the Winter and had started to deteriorate.

Alternative routes: The river can be forded at various locations when not in spate (including via a forestry track to the west), but please take care if doing so. The closest alternative bridge crossing for footpath users is via the footbridge on Footpath  407033, approximately 1 1/2 miles west-northwest, then following footpaths 407032 via Pillar Rock and east via Looking Stead (footpath 419035) to the top of Black Sail pass. Please note that this is a rough fell path.

Plans to address issue: We intend to replace the bridge near Black Sail hut over the Summer of 2024.

Map showing location of missing bridge near Black Sail Hut

No results have been found

Bridge at Stoneraise Farm, Scales, Footpath 369029, Threlkeld Parish

Location: Grid reference: NY 3453 2652, nearby What 3 Words reference: marsh.underway.plump

Details of issue: We have removed the bridge close to Stoneraise Farm as the bridge had become unsafe and was collapsing.

Alternative Routes: The only possible alternative is to use the surrounding rights of way and road network.

Plans to address issue: We intend to replace this bridge as part of our bridge replacement programme in 2025.

Map showing location of missing bridge near Stoneraise Farm

Bridge at Hayeswater, Bridleway 357012, Patterdale Parish

Location: Grid reference: NY 4268 1276, nearby What 3 Words reference: seasonal.beauty.energy

Details of issue: The footbridge over Hayeswater Gill was blown over during Storm Isha in January 2024. It has now been removed

Alternative Routes: When water levels and flow are low the adjacent ford will be accessible for some bridleway users. An alternative bridge downstream can be accessed to the west-northwest close to the Filter House.

Plans to address issue: We intend to replace the bridge as part of our bridge replacement programme during the Summer of 2025.

Site notice showing missing bridge at Hayeswater

Stepping stones over the River Lowther, Footpath 361020, Steps Hall, Shap Rural Parish

Location: Grid reference: NY 5600 1373, nearby What 3 Words reference: skips.bullion.cube

Details of issue: Some of the stepping stones have shifted leaving wider spaces between them, and some are wobbly.

Alternative Routes: There is an alternative set of stepping stones at Thornship to the northwest.

Plans to address issue: The stepping stones will need to be inspected by our Ranger team and works to re-set the stones prepared as part of their work programme.

Map showing location of shifted stepping stones, and alternative route via Thornship stepping stones

Footpath 348013 alongside the River Glenderamackin, Bannerdale, Mungrisdale Parish

Location: Grid reference: NY 3559 3016, nearby What 3 Words reference: hung.rebounder.lies

Details of issue: Sections of the footpath alongside the river have been washed away or damaged  by riverbank collapses.

Alternative Routes: The footpath is within an area of open access land and it is possible to use alternative trods and tracks to walk around and above sections where the footpath has been washed away - in places these alternatives are steep and may be overgrown.

Plans to address issue: We are exploring the options here as to whether the path can be sustainable reinstated on its current alignment or whether a new path needs to be created and the public right of way diverted.

Mao showing section of footpath at Bannerdale alongside River Glenderamackin affected by riverbank collapsesMao showing section of footpath at Bannerdale alongside River Glenderamackin affected by riverbank collapses