Snowdrops near Loweswater copyright Michael Turner

Changes to the Rights of Way Network

Changes to the Rights of Way Network

The Rights of Way network is not fixed in stone, and over time there have been a large number of changes to the network.  The map below shows the current network, and indicates where consultations are live for potential changes, along with current orders open for objections and representations, along with orders confirmed since 1 April 2016.  These are listed in the tables below the map, with links to the relevant documents.

What sort of changes happen?

Public Path Orders - diversions, creations, and extinguishments

These are changes that move, close or create paths to benefit the public or the landowner/occupier.

Most landowners will soon have a right to apply for orders on their land.  We are obliged to keep a register of all current applications.  This will be added to our webpages when the right comes into effect.

The cost of changes are generally met by the beneficiary or applicant.

This is detailed in our current guidance, costs, and application form.

Decisions taken under delegated powers

Decisions with regard to most public path orders are taken under delegated powers.  Under the Openness of Government Regulations 2014 we publish all these decisions which can be seen on the Openness of Government- Delegated Decisions page, which can be accessed here.

Decisions taken through our Rights of Way Committee procedures are on our committees page of this website (Rights of Way Committee page can be found here).

Modification Orders

These are changes made based on historical evidence. If any member of the public believes that the definitive map (the legal record of rights of way) is incorrect, then they can make an application to us to modify the map.  Changes can be to delete a path incorrectly shown, alter incorrect alignments, change the status (from footpath to bridleway for instance) or add routes not shown in the current map.

We are obliged to keep a register of all current modification order applications, these can be found on the Cumberland County Council and Westmorland & Furness County Council websites.

All Modification Order decisions are taken through our Rights of Way Committee procedures and are on our committee page - with links to this also on here.

Public Path Orders and Modification Orders within the last six months

Made Orders

Type of change

Bridleway 579029 & Footpath 579030, The Gill to Bell Hill via Churchyard, Lindale and Newton-with-Cartmel Parish

Council Area

Westmorland & Furness


Modify the definitive map by adding a footpath from The Gill (public road C5046) at SD 413 806 southwards along tarmac track passing Bowling Green and War Memorial, through graveyard and churchyard to Bell Hill (public road U5233) at SD 414 803, with a spur path from Church (SD 414 803) up steps to Bell Hill at SD 414 803

Objection and Representation Period

6 February 2025 to 21 March 2025

Link to Order and Notice

Order & Notice

Remove from website

6 July 2025

Occupation Lane, Broughton West Parish- Modification of definitive map to add two bridleways

Parish: Broughton West Parish (Duddon Parish Council)

Location: Occupation Lane, Broughton-in-Furness

Path: Bridleways 520070 & 520071

Proposal: Modify the definitive map by adding two sections of bridleway along Occupation Lane a) between Station Road in Broughton and Broughton Park, and b) between Broughton Park and Bush Green on the A595

Objection and Representation Period: 18 August 2022 to 21 October 2022

Link to Orders and Notice

Objection has been received and matter has been submitted to Secretary of State to determine.

Modification Order-  Footpaths 409052/419049, Gaterigghow Bridge to Hollins Bridge along the River Irt, Parishes of Gosforth and Wasdale


Modify the definitive map by adding a footpath alongside (and across) the River Irt from Gaterigghow Bridge at NY 107 041 to near Hollins Bridge at NY 104 029.

Objection and Representation Period

Objection and Representation period ended 4 May 2023, objections have been received.

Link to Order and Notice

Order, Notice and Site Notice

Objections have been received and matter will be submitted to Secretary of State to determine

Confirmed Orders

Creation of Footpath 220061, Fleetwith Tramway, Buttermere and Brackenthwaite Parish



Council Area

Effect of OrderPublic footpath created between A (NY 2159 1346) and B (NY 2231 1354) along Fleetwith Tramway at Honister, Buttermere and Brackenthwaite Parish
Objection and Representation Period10 January 2025 - 21 February 2025
Link to Order and NoticeOrder and Notice
Remove from Website10 July 2025

Concurrent Creation and Extinguishment Orders – Bridleways 220062, 212008, 212089, 212090, 212091 and 212092, Honister Old Toll Road, and Footpath 212044, Buttermere and Brackenthwaite, and Borrowdale Parishes


Bridleways 220062, 212008, 212089, 212090, 212091 and 212092, Honister Old Toll Road, Footpath 212044, Buttermere and Brackenthwaite, and Borrowdale Parishes

Council AreaCumberland


We have confirmed Orders making the following changes to the Rights of Way Network between Honister and Seatoller;

  1. New bridleways created along the entire length   of Honister Old Toll Road as follows:
    • Bridleways 220062 and 212089 from     NY 2245 1356 at Honister Slate Mine eastwards to rejoin Honister Pass Road at   NY 2283 1372;
    • Bridleway   212090 leaving eastwards and rejoining Honister Pass Road between NY 2284   1372 and NY 2320 1367;
    • Bridleway 212008 leaving Honister Pass Road at   a layby at NY 2330 1369 eastwards to NY 2406 1408 – with previous alignment   of this bridleway running adjacent to the north being extinguished (NY 2347   1380 to NY 2406 1408);
    • Bridleway 212091 from the existing Bridleway   at NY 2406 1408 southeastwards and southwestwards towards Seatoller, partly   over existing footpath 212044 (between NY 2437 1406 & 2464 1402)   rejoining Honister Pass Road at NY 2443 1386;
  2. Created a new bridleway 212092 linking the above to an existing bridleway (212008) between NY 2422 1417 and NY 2429 1408;
  3. Extinguished part of Footpath 212044 between NY 2428 1409 and NY 2437 1406;
  4. Diverted through concurrent creation and extinguishment Orders part of Footpath 212044 between NY 2464 1402 and NY 2471 1392 to a new line slightly to the west.

Objection and Representation Period

10 January 2025 - 21 February 2025
Link to Order and NoticeConfirmed Extinguishment Order
Confirmed Creation Order
Remove from Website10 July 2025

Creation of Footpath 407058 to the south-east of Ennerdale Water, Ennerdale & Kinniside Parish




To create a footpath from FP407024 to the south-east of Ennerdale at NY 1231 1388 generally eastwards     along existing trod to BW407028 at NY 1304 1386 as shown on the order plan.

Current SituationConfirmed on 5 September by the Secretary of State
Decision Letter
Copy of Confirmed Order

Diversion of bridleway and footpaths at Woundell Beck, Ennerdale and Kinniside Parish


Bridleway 407028 and Footpaths 407024, 407042 and 407054


  1. Divert the bridleway from an incorrectly mapped alignment and from the removed concrete bridge/ford across Woundell Beck (NY 130 138 to NY 133 137) onto the new track and bridge to the south, with consequential changes to:
  1. Divert footpath from new bridleway at NY 131 138 to link northwards to existing footpath;
  1. Divert footpath at NY 133 137 eastwards to meet new bridleway.

Current Situation

Confirmed on 5 September by the Secretary of State
Decision Letter
Copy of Confirmed Order


Creation of Public Footpath 407068, Black Sail Hut, Ennerdale and Kinniside Parish

Type of change

Creation of Public Footpath 407068 between Black Sail Hut and Footpath 407037, Ennerdale and Kinniside Parish

Council area



We have entered into a creation agreement with the landowner, the Secretary of State for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (c/o the Forestry Commission), to create a footpath between Bridleway 407001 at Black Sail Hut (NY 149 132) and Footpath 407037 at Loft Beck (NY 202 120).

Objection and Representation Period


Date agreement effective22 August 2024
Link to Agreement PlanCreation Agreement Plan
Remove from website11 March 2025