Exploring the Lake District – Know Your Rights of Way
With over 3,200 km of rights of way, the Lake District National Park offers incredible opportunities for walking, cycling, and horse riding. From footpaths and bridleways to byways open to all traffic, each route is designed for different users. Understanding who can use which paths, following safety advice, and respecting others on the trail helps ensure a great experience for all. Whether you need to check access rules, report an issue, or find out about temporary closures, this section has the information you need to explore the National Park responsibly.

Public footpaths - yellow arrows
Wherever you see this yellow arrow sign or the symbol(s) it means:
'For people on foot only'

Public bridleway – blue arrows
Wherever you see this blue arrow sign or the symbol(s) it means:
'For people on foot, horse riders and cyclists'

Restricted byways – purple arrows
Wherever you see this purple arrow sign or the symbol(s) it means:
'For people on foot, horse riders, cyclists and horse drawn vehicles'

Byways open to all traffic – red arrows
Wherever you see this red arrow sign or the symbol(s) it means:
'For all of the above plus cars and motorbikes (and any other traffic that might be able to physically use the route)'

Permitted path – white arrows
Wherever you see this white arrow sign or the symbol(s) it means:
'Path can be used by permission of the landowner' - the symbols and signage will say what usage is being permitted (generally walkers, cyclists, horses or a combination)
Footpaths, bridleways and other rights of way:
Advice for walkers
- On bridleways and byways be aware of other users and listen for their approach.
- If you can, move to the left and let others pass to the right.
- On busy bridleways and byways, try to avoid walking in large groups across path
- If you have a dog, please keep it under close control or on a short lead as sudden movements can startle horses and surprise others.
- Please clean up after your dog and take the poo bag with you! It's anto-social not to, and you could be fined.
Advice for horseriders
- Keep to a walking pace around others.
- Ride at a pace appropriate to the path surface and local conditions.
- Hi-viz clothing is recommended, both on and off-road.
- Be prepared to slow down and stop.
- Try to move your horse off the route before it dungs.
Advice for cyclists
- By law you must give way to walkers and horse-riders.
- However if you let others know you are coming – use your bell or give a polite advance call – many people will be happy to let you pass.
- Smile and say thank you as you pass.
- Be in control and slow down around other users and livestock.
- Give horses plenty of room.
- Be aware of sudden movements around horses, families and dog walkers.
- Cycle sensibly – rights of way are not always suitable for challenge apps or fitness training.
For information, guidance and advice clink on one of the links below: