What we're trying to achieve

[3.02.12] We want the Lake District to be an inspirational example of sustainable development in action. We want to develop a proactive approach to enhance natural capital and cultural heritage throughout the Lake District to maximise multiple benefits for people and the environment, by managing resources wisely for future generations to enjoy.

Map showing the area of the site allocation

Figure 4: How the policies deliver the principles of development

Principles of development

To increase the resilience of the Lake District to all types of flood events, including river, surface water and coastal flooding.

Current Situation

[3.02.13] Integrating natural capital and ecosystem service approaches into the Local Plan will strengthen our approach to:

  • conserving and enhancing the diversity, extent, distribution and quality of natural capital in the Lake District, and
  • make sustainable use of ecosystem services from the Lake District’s natural capital.

[3.02.14] We need to ensure new development enables communities to develop in a way that provides for their needs, but protects the Lake District’s landscape, and enhances our natural, built and historic environment; and as part of this, helping to improve biodiversity, use natural resources prudently, minimise waste and pollution, and mitigate and adapt to climate change including moving to a low carbon economy.


[3.02.15] The Principles of development are not in themselves a policy but provide the fundamental basis of achieving sustainable development in the Lake District. They sets out the criteria which each development proposal should seek to address. The delivery of these Principles link with specific policies in this Local Plan as shown in Figure 4.

[3.02.16] Not all of the Principles will be relevant to each proposal for development, but all development should demonstrate how it addresses the principles listed, where possible and appropriate. This should form part of the Design and Access Statement. We will judge how the proposal addresses the Principles through the application of Policies 04 –07 or through reference to practice guidance such as the National Planning Policy Framework, National Policy Guidance and specifically, the code of practice for the sustainable use of soils on construction sites. These policies provide detailed guidance on how proposals can deliver sustainable development.

[3.02.17] It is particularly important that we do not compromise the ability of future generations to have the capacity for the sustainable production of food, and raw materials, etc. Where the development of agricultural land is demonstrated to be necessary, areas of poorer quality land should be preferred to those of higher quality, therefore safeguarding good agricultural land.

[3.02.18] Tranquil areas which remain relatively undisturbed by noise and are valued for the experience this offers, need to be conserved. Policy 05: Protecting the spectacular landscape will ensure the intrinsic value of these areas will not be compromised by inappropriate new development.

[3.02.19] The strategic response to the risks of climate change is holistic, and will be achieved through the application of the raft of policies associated with the Principles of development.