What we're trying to achieve

[3.09.01] We want all development to effectively demonstrate the key themes of the Vision and reinforce the distinctiveness of place, whilst also enabling localised solutions to specific planning issues through the Distinctive Area policies.

Policy 10: East Distinctive Area

Development in the East Distinctive Area will reinforce distinctiveness of place, deliver key themes of the Vision and enable local solutions to specific planning issues.

To achieve this we will:

  • support small scale housing development in Matterdale Parish to reflect the very rural and dispersed nature of the community and to support its long term sustainability;
  • support improvements which enhance cycling and walking options in the Haweswater valley;
  • support the enhancement to the quality of the offer at Aira Force together with consideration of an extension of the existing pier to accommodate and encourage a greater number of visitors by boat. Improvements to the jetty and facilities will make the site more robust, diverse and able to disperse visitors using sustainable transport connections;
  • secure improved connectivity of the existing bridleway network between the Yorkshire Dales and Lake District National Parks by working with neighbouring authorities, and promote the existing ‘quiet road’ network as a cycling destination;
  • secure a Whole Estate Plan for Lowther Estate, to include the restoration of listed buildings, and new visitor accommodation and facilities where it demonstrates the development is needed to sustain the overall Estate and delivers multiple wider public benefits including maintaining the cultural landscape;
  • support appropriate schemes which facilitate landscape recovery at existing caravan sites / parks to reflect their sensitive and inspirational setting;
  • support appropriate opportunities for a new covered maintenance shed for Ullswater Steamers which has suitable highway and lake access;
  • support appropriate additional car and coach parking provision to serve Pooley Bridge and onward travel.

Implementation guidance

[3.09.03] The Distinctive Area policies aim to deliver the four themes of the Vision across the Distinctive Areas in the Lake District, as well as deliver tailored solutions to specific planning issues being experienced in certain parts of the Lake District.

[3.09.04] Applications for planning permission will still be considered against all relevant polices in the Local Plan to determine the acceptability of the proposal. For certain developments a project level Habitats Regulation Assessment may also be required having regard to the impact pathways identified in the Appropriate Assessment (2019).

Current situation

[3.09.02] First developed in 2010, Distinctive Areas refine the Spatial Strategy by setting out our intended approach for each of the five Distinctive Areas of the Lake District. They reflect the subtly distinctive characteristics, specific issues and challenges of each area that are in some ways unique from one another, thus making the strategy innovative, clearly spatial and locally distinctive. Distinctive Area solutions are designed to address specific planning issues in each area that would otherwise be considered different to the overall approach of the generic policies.

Map showing the area of the site allocation

Figure 5: Lake District Distinctive Areas