Site area (hectares): 0.44
Use: Mixed – housing, tourism, retail
Site requirements:
- A Heritage, Design and Access Statement that addresses the impact of the development on Hawkshead Conservation Area and a World Heritage Site Checklist.
- Careful consideration of the mix of uses, design, layout and scale of development.
- Sympathetic and high quality design and use of appropriate materials.
- Improvements to pedestrian linkages into the village centre (through Victoria Street) through the site.
- Tree constraints plan and tree survey required.
- Surface water drainage strategy is required which demonstrates that development incorporates SUDS.
- A Transport Statement may be required depending on the use and scale of development. Transport Statement should include parking strategy.
- Pre-application discussion with Environment Agency regarding the culvert.
- The Esthwaite Water Ramsar and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) site is located within 250m of the site so development including construction must avoid adverse impact on the designated watercourse.