Site area (hectares): 0.44
Use: Housing
Site requirements:
- A Heritage, Design and Access Statement and a World Heritage Site Checklist.
- Archaeological field evaluation due to the presence of a feature in the Sites and Monuments Record on this site.
- Consideration to the scale, design and layout to ensure sympathetic design for this location on the fringe of the settlement and taking into account the conservation area and adjacent listed buildings (Askham Gate and barn adjacent).
- Retaining existing trees where possible, and planting appropriate native species trees, hedgerows, or creating new drystone walls, has the potential over the long term to enhance ecological connectivity with surrounding habitats. This will benefit bats, red squirrels, reptiles and other species.
- Demonstration of a suitable access to be submitted with the application and provision for pedestrian access to the site.
- Surface water drainage strategy and demonstration that development complies with SUDS. Assess and demonstrate sufficient capacity of culvert to cope with surface water from development. A suitable discharge location will need to be demonstrated.
- The River Eden is a designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) so development, including construction, must avoid adverse impact on the designated watercourse.