Site area (hectares): 0.51
Use: Mixed - employment and retail (including café/restaurant)
Site requirements:
- A Heritage, Design and Access Statement and a World Heritage Site Checklist.
- A desktop study identifying the likelihood of contamination on the site. Further site investigation may be required depending on the outcome.
- Careful consideration of the mix of uses, and layout.
- Design to avoid vulnerable uses within flood risk area.
- Transport Statement and parking strategy which demonstrates on-road parking does not compromise the acceptable visibility splays.
- Provision of a safe and suitable access arrangement with acceptable visibility splays taking into account on-road parking issues.
- Sympathetic conversion that retains the character, form, and original purpose
- Tree survey and tree constraints plan required.
- Bat survey required.
- Surface water drainage strategy required which considers mill stream on site.
- Flood risk assessment required as proposal would constitute a change of use to a more vulnerable use class where they could be affected by sources of flooding other than rivers and the sea (for example surface water drains, reservoirs).
- Ensure no obstruction to the public footpath or agree a diversion route for the path.