CSE03H - Extension to Seedfields, Staveley

Site area (hectares): 1.21

Use: Housing

Site requirements:

  • Heritage Impact Assessment to assess the impact on World Heritage Site designation and heritage assets. In addition a Heritage, Design and Access Statement and a World Heritage Site Checklist would be required.
  • Access should be taken from Seedfields and pedestrian access provided to the southern boundary of the site.
  • There is a water pipeline running through the site with an easement of 9.1 metres either side of the centre of the pipeline which development must avoid.
  • Surface water management and attenuation measures such as Sustainable Drainage Systems are required due to the topography of the site. Proposals must ensure greenfield runoff rates are not exceeded to ensure development does not increase the risk of flooding elsewhere.
  • Sewerage capacity issues may need to be investigated at the time of an application. Proposals should consider the presence of septic tanks and other utilities infrastructure for dwellings to the south west of the site and avoid these areas where possible.
  • Retain existing mature trees and hedgerow where possible, and plant native tree species to enhance ecological connectivity with surrounding habitats.
  • Flood Risk Assessment required as site is over 1 hectare.
  • Layout and design should take into consideration constraints from pylon and associated infrastructure.