Site area (hectares): 0.42
Use: Housing
Site requirements:
- Heritage Impact Assessment to assess the impact on World Heritage Site designation and heritage assets. In addition a Heritage, Design and Access Statement and a World Heritage Site Checklist would be required.
- The scale, design, and layout of development will be key considerations particularly with reference to the neighbouring residential properties and to ensure development on this site respects the landscape character and vernacular of this area. This could be achieved, for example, through the careful design of several individual buildings that appear as large detached properties set in landscaped grounds, with each building comprising several individual dwellings.
- Right of access to be agreed with relevant parties. Remediation work to Cornbirthwaite Road may have to be carried out following construction.
- Tree constraints plan required and tree survey if trees would be affected by the development. Trees on site should be retained and the site layout will need to reflect the need to maintain the root protection area of existing trees.
- Phase 1 habitat survey required.
- Bat survey required due to presence of trees on site.
- A landscaping scheme would be required to mitigate the impact of the development on the landscape.
- Surface water drainage strategy is required which demonstrates that development incorporates SUDS.
- A safe and suitable access should be taken from Cornbirthwaite Road