CSE01E - North of Kendal Fell Quarry

Site area (hectares): 4.41

Use: Employment

Site requirements:

  • Heritage Impact Assessment to assess the impact on World Heritage Site designation and heritage assets. In addition a Heritage, Design and Access Statement and a World Heritage Site Checklist would be required.
  • Design, layout and scale will be important considerations to reduce any adverse effects on the amenity of nearby properties.
  • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) including cumulative affects with the site CSE03M to the south of the site and the proposed access should be assessed.
  • Landscaping scheme would also be required to reduce the visual impact on users of the A591. The development could be designed as an extension of the existing industrial estate, retaining the small area of open space between the two sites. It could be integrated into the landscape through additional tree planting adjacent to the access road/A591.
  • The design and siting of the buildings should reflect the characteristics of adjacent industrial units and nearby agricultural buildings.
  • Phase 1 habitat survey required.
  • Flood risk assessment required as site is over 1 hectare.
  • Surface water drainage strategy is required which demonstrates that development incorporates SUDS.
  • The proposed layout and landscaping should retain or enhance public right of way adjacent to the site. Consideration should be given to accommodating and providing new footpath links through the site and adjacent site.
  • Ensure site infrastructure delivers broadband of at least 30Mbs. This includes providing fibre broadband within the site to ensure connection to ‘Fibre to the Premises’ (‘full fibre’) when it becomes available.
  • The site access should be developed at the same time as the adjoining Kendal Fell Quarry site (site CSE03M), to provide a shared access. Prior to submitting an application, liaise with Cumbria County Council to discuss the creation of a new access.
  • Transport Assessment and Travel Plan including transport modelling required.
  • Improvements to sustainable transport links need to be demonstrated when the application is submitted.
  • A watching brief is recommended due to the potential for archaeological record on site.
  • Tree constraints plan required.