Most new buildings and changes to existing buildings and the local environment require planning permission. Take a look at Do I need planning permission?
We determine planning applications against our Development Plan, which contains key planning policy documents.
Our local plan was adopted in May 2021.
The Local Plan sets out the policies necessary to address the strategic priorities within the Lake District. These do not extend to detailed matters which are more appropriately dealt with through neighbourhood plans.
The neighbourhood plans are considered to be in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in the Lake District National Park Local Plan 2020-2035.
Alongside our local plan, we have detailed guidance on particular issues and policies, which help inform our planning application decisions.
The Government advises that extended policies should be read in context. In cases where policies were adopted some time ago, other factors may be taken into account in making planning decisions.
Neighbourhood plans help local communities to influence the planning of the area in which they live and work.
Find out how to produce a neighbourhood plan, which parishes have plans and how we can support you.
We want communities to get involved in planning policy. Find out how to get involved and see our timeline for producing planning policies
Our Infrastructure Delivery Plan
Annual Monitoring Reports and other monitoring to see how policies are progressing
Cumbria Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment Final report (pdf)
Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Guidance Document 2018