Building site copyright Michael Turner

How to apply

What you need to do

  1. Complete the correct application form - you can apply online through the Planning Portal or by post if you don't have internet access
  2. Include required information (see the validation checklists and validation guides below for more information)
  3. Pay the correct application fee (fees are required for most applications and are set by law)

Validation checklists

Householder planning permission checklist and form

Householder Applications are required if you want to extend your home or alter it in some way that requires permission.

Please download the Householder Application Form (opens in new window)

Please make sure your application includes the right information, or it will be judged as invalid.

You will always need:

  • Form
  • Site location plan
  • Existing and proposed plans
  • Correct fee

You will sometimes need:

  • Bat survey
  • Design and access statement
  • Heritage statement
  • Tree survey
  • Flood risk assessment
  • Non-mains drainage information
  • Construction method statement
  • Protected species survey
  • Renewable and low carbon energy (Policy 20) statement

Listed Building Checklist and Form

Listed building consent is required for any external or internal works to a listed building which would affect its character. Listed building consent applications should be made on this form.

Top tip: If in doubt, ask. Carrying out works to a listed building without obtaining the necessary consents first is a criminal offence and risks prosecution.

Please download the Listed Building Form (PDF) (opens in new window)

Please make sure your application includes the right information, or it will be judged as invalid.

You will always need:

  • Form
  • Site location plan
  • Existing and proposed plans
  • Design and access statement
  • Heritage statement

You will sometimes need:

  • Bat survey
  • Construction method statement
  • Protected species survey

You will not need:

  • Fee

Full Planning Permission Checklist and Form

Full Planning Permission is required when you're planning to make a change of use of land or buildings, or to carry out works and operations including erecting buildings which haven't followed the outline and reserved matters procedures.

Please download the Full Planning Permission Form (PDF) (opens in new window)

Please make sure your application includes the right information, or it will be judged as invalid.

You will always need:

  • Form
  • Site location plan
  • Existing and proposed plans
  • Correct fee

You will sometimes need:

  • Bat survey
  • Biodiversity net gain information
  • Construction method statement
  • Contaminated land assessment
  • Design and access statement
  • Fire statement
  • Flood risk assessment
  • Heritage statement
  • Non-mains drainage information
  • Nutrient neutrality information
  • Protected species survey
  • Renewable and low carbon energy (Policy 20) statement
  • Sustainable drainage system statement
  • Tree survey
  • Wind energy developments – pre-submission consultation information

Outline planning permission - All Matters Reserved Checklist and Form

Outline Planning Applications are used if you would like us to consider the principle of development before detailed drawings are prepared but include some matters such as layout, scale, appearance, means of access and landscape.

Please download the Outline Planning Permission - All Matters Reserved Form (PDF) (opens in new window)

Please make sure your application includes all the right information, or it will be judged as invalid.

You will always need:

  • Form
  • Site location plan
  • Existing and proposed plans
  • Heritage statement

You will sometimes need:

  • Bat survey
  • Biodiversity net gain information
  • Design and access statement
  • Heritage statement
  • Tree survey
  • Flood risk assessment
  • Non-mains drainage information
  • Nutrient neutrality information
  • Construction method statement
  • Protected species survey
  • Renewable and low carbon energy (Policy 20) statement
  • Agricultural appraisal
  • Sustainable drainage system statement
  • Wind energy developments – pre-submission consultation information
  • Fire statement

Outline Planning Permission - Some Matters Reserved Checklist and Form

Outline Planning Applications are used if you would like us to consider the principle of development before detailed drawings are prepared but include some matters such as layout, scale, appearance, means of access and landscape.

Please download the Outline Planning Permission - Some Matters Reserved Form (PDF) (opens in new window)

Please make sure your application includes the right information, or it will be judged as invalid.

You will always need:

  • Form
  • Site location plan
  • Existing and proposed plans
  • Correct fee

You will sometimes need:

  • Bat survey
  • Biodiversity net gain information
  • Design and access statement
  • Heritage statement
  • Tree survey
  • Flood risk assessment
  • Non-mains drainage information
  • Nutrient neutrality information
  • Construction method statement
  • Protected species survey
  • Renewable and low carbon energy (Policy 20) statement
  • Agricultural appraisal
  • Sustainable drainage system statement
  • Wind energy developments – pre-submission consultation information
  • Fire statement

Reserved Matters Approval Checklist and Form

Reserved Matters applications are used to obtain approval of any matters not considered under an outline planning application. An outline planning application will be required before consideration of reserved matters.

Please download the Reserved Matters Approval Form (PDF) (opens in new window)

Please make sure your application includes the right information, or it will be judged as invalid.

You will always need:

  • Form
  • Site location plan
  • Existing and proposed plans
  • Correct fee

You will sometimes need:

  • Bat survey
  • Design and access statement
  • Heritage statement
  • Tree survey
  • Flood risk assessment
  • Non-mains drainage information
  • Nutrient neutrality information
  • Construction method statement
  • Protected species survey
  • Policy CS16 compliance statement
  • Agricultural appraisal
  • Sustainable drainage system statement
  • Wind energy developments – pre-submission consultation information
  • Fire statement

Approval of Details Reserved by Conditions

If a condition imposed on a planning permission requires you to submit further details for agreement there are no requirements for your application other than that it must be made in writing along with the appropriate fee. However you may choose to use the form below.

Top tip: The Government has introduced a charging regime for the confirmation of compliance with conditions. If you provide full details and specifications with your planning application, we will not need to impose conditions requiring the submission of further chargeable applications at a later date.

Please download the Approval of Details reserved by condition Application Form (PDF) (opens in new window)

You will always need:

  • Written submission
  • Correct fee

S73 application to develop land without compliance with conditions previously attached form (also used for minor material amendments)

If you wish to develop land not in compliance with conditions previously attached to a grant of planning permission (sometimes referred to as varying or removing a condition) you must make an application under the provisions of Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. This form is also used to apply for minor material amendments to an existing planning permission.

Please download the Section 73 application to develop land without compliance with conditions previously attached form (also used for minor material amendments) (PDF) (opens in new window)

Describing your proposal:

To avoid delays, you must describe your application proposal properly. If we approve your application we grant planning permission for entire development again, so you must ensure that your description describes the whole development and explains which condition(s) previously imposed you do not wish to comply with. If you do not describe your proposal properly we might not be able to validate your application.

You will always need:

  • Form
  • Correct fee

You will sometimes need:

  • Site location plan
  • Existing and proposed plans
  • Bat survey
  • Biodiversity net gain information
  • Design and access statement
  • Heritage statement
  • Tree survey
  • Flood risk assessment
  • Non-mains drainage information
  • Nutrient neutrality
  • Construction method statement
  • Protected species survey
  • Renewable and low carbon energy (Policy 20) statement

S96A Application for Non-Material Amendments Checklist and Form

When planning permission is granted it is specifically for the development described in the application and shown on the submitted drawings, as modified by any conditions. A variation from the permission may mean that the entire development is unauthorised. However it may be possible to make some non-material changes to an approved scheme.

Non-material amendments are minor adjustments which do not significantly alter the planning permission which has been granted or its impacts.

Alterations are unlikely to be considered non-material if they would:

  • fundamentally alter a planning permission
  • result in a breach of condition
  • have a different impact beyond the site
  • or are bigger than an approved scheme

To make a non-material variation to a planning permission you must submit revised plans, the appropriate form and the appropriate fee to us. We then have 28 days - or longer if agreed - to decide if the amendments are, or are not, material.

Please download the Non-material Amendments Checklist and Form (PDF) (opens in new window)

Please make sure your application includes the right information, or it will be judged as invalid.

You will always need:

  • Form
  • Existing and proposed plans
  • Correct fee

Lawful Development Certificates Checklist and Forms

Lawful Development Certificates establish that an existing or proposed development or use is lawful, or that works would not affect the character of a listed building as a building of special architectural or historic interest.

You will always need

  • Form
  • Site location plan
  • Evidence to support your application
  • Correct fee

You will sometimes need

  • Existing and/or proposed plans

Prior notification - Agricultural or Forestry Developments

The Government grants planning permission for certain agricultural and forestry developments which allows them to take place without the need for a full planning application, but instead subject to a 28 day prior notification process. If you are uncertain about whether this option is available to you, please contact us.

We recommend you provide

  • Completed form
  • Existing and proposed plans

You will always need

  • Written description of the proposal
  • Site location plan
  • Correct fee

Prior notification - Telecoms

The Government grants planning permission for certain telecommunications developments which allows them to take place without the need for a full planning application, but instead subject to a 56 day prior notification process. If you are uncertain about whether this option is available to you, please contact us.

Please use the Prior Notification - Telecommunications Form (PDF)

We recommend you provide

  • Completed form
  • Existing and proposed plans

You will always need

  • Written description of the proposal
  • Site location plan
  • Evidence that the appropriate notices and notifications have been served before applying
  • Correct fee

Prior notification - Demolition

Demolition of any building which, measured externally is more than 50 cubic metres in volume, requires planning permission. The Government grants planning permission for the demolition of most buildings subject to a 28 day prior notification procedure. If you are uncertain about whether this option is available to you, please contact us.

Please download the Prior Notification - Demolition Form (PDF) (opens in new window)

We recommend you provide

  • Completed form
  • Existing and proposed plans
  • Site location plan

You will always need

  • Written description of the proposal
  • A statement that the applicant has displayed a site notice in accordance with A.2(b) Schedule 2, Part 31 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995
  • Correct fee

Prior notification - Changes of use

The Government grants planning permission for certain changes of use of various buildings, known as permitted developments, which can be undertaken without a planning application if the necessary criteria are met. A prior notification process is in place for most of these changes. You can find more information on the Planning Portal about change of use (opens in new window)

You can download forms from the Planning Portal Paper Form Chooser (opens in new window)

Requirements for applications are set by law in the in the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as amended (opens in new window)

Modification or Discharge of a Section 106 Planning Obligation

If you need to make an application to modify or discharge a planning obligation made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, please use this form:

Advertisement consent

If you want to make an application for express consent for the display of advertisements under the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements)(England) Regulations 2007 please use this form:

You will always need

  • Form
  • Site location plan
  • Advertisement drawings and details
  • Correct fee

Validation guides

Our guidance notes form part of our validation checklists. They provide further details about what information we require with an application.


Planning application fees are set at the national level, the Planning Portal's online calculator will help you work out your fees. We do not have any discretion to change them.