Telecoms development - FAQs

Current telecoms rollout in the Lake District

There is an ongoing programme of extensive broadband rollout across Cumbria. Government's Project Gigabit scheme has provided £108m of funding to delivery gigabit-capable broadband across the county. Fibrus is the chosen contractor. The rollout means a significant amount of new infrastructure across the National Park. In some locations this is installed underground. In other places this means new poles, cables and cabinets. Fibrus brings lightning-fast broadband to Cumbria

There is an ongoing Government funded scheme of mobile phone network rollout, called the shared rural network. This programme aims to deliver mobile phone and broadband coverage to 95% of the UK. The programme includes installing new mobile phone masts and improving existing sites. Home - Shared Rural Network (

The Home Office is leading a cross-government programme to deliver a new 4G network for the emergency services. This replaces the previous Airwave service. The programme includes installing new mobile phone masts and improvement of existing sites. Emergency Services Network: overview - GOV.UK (

Data Communications Company is also leading the rollout of the telecoms network for smart meters. This programme includes installing new masts and infrastructure. What is the DCC? | Smart DCC

Do telecommunications developments require a planning application?

The Government grants planning permission for a range of developments which can be carried out without a planning application. these are known as permitted developments.

The planning permission granted by the Government allows telecommunications code operators to undertake a wide range of works without a planning application.  Some telecommunications developments require a notification to be submitted, but many require no planning approval of any type to be obtained and can just proceed.

Developments which can proceed without any application or notification include the installation of telegraph poles, as well as alterations to some existing masts and installations.

Can trees by felled or pruned for telecommunications development?

Trees that are subject to a tree preservation order (TPO), or trees within conservation areas that are over 75mm diameter, are protected by law. It is a criminal offence to carry out works to these trees without consent unless an exemption applies.

Government grants an exemption to statutory undertakers, including telecommunications code operators, that allows them to undertake works to protected trees without permission if the work is: necessary in the interests of the safe operation of their undertaking; in connection with the inspection, repair or renewal of any sewers, mains, pipes, cables or other apparatus of the statutory undertaker; or to enable the statutory undertaker to carry out development permitted.

There is no requirement to obtain permission under the planning acts for works to unprotected tree.

A telegraph pole has been installed near my property. Can LDNPA take action?

No. Telegraph poles installed by telecommunications code operators have planning permission granted for them by the Government and no application is required.