Derwentwater reflections copyright Helen Reynolds

Getting planning advice

Many queries can actually be quickly resolved without writing in. To find out when a planning application is required, check out Do I need planning permission?

There is a national plain English guide to the planning system

Duty planner

We have a duty planner available by phone each weekday between 0930 and 1200 to answer queries on a first come first served basis. This service is for short telephone conversations (01539 724555) or brief email replies only. Generally telephone conversations will be more effective.

Our team work across multiple offices, remotely, and out in the national park. If travel to our offices you are likely to be disappointed and unable to meet a team member.

Written advice

We have four written advice options:

There will be no duty planner on Friday 13 December or Tuesday 24 December.  Our offices are closed between Tuesday 24 December and Thursday 2 January.

Advice - £1,000

For projects seeking written advice and guidance on policy and issues likely to arise from a scheme. Site visits and meetings are at our discretion, and will not always be required.

  • initial proposal and constraints review by the case planner
  • site visit or meeting
  • written advice

£1,000 (£833.33 + VAT)

Additional follow-on after previous Advice - £350

Review of one further iteration following our initial Advice. Meetings and site visits are not normally required, and are always at our discretion.

  • one review of a further iteration of the same development proposal
  • one follow-on written advice based on a second iteration of the same proposal

£350 (£291.66 + VAT)

Timeline - £3,120

For projects that wish to develop a scheme with us through multiple design iterations, or need detailed advice or working arrangements, but do not warrant a fully managed PPA process.  Examples include: projects with well established project management where the developer knows specifically what they want from us and when, projects with several sites, or projects which seek to develop a scheme over several design iterations. Includes:

  • initial proposal and constraints review by the case planner
  • a site meeting with you
  • written advice statement
  • up to four follow-up reviews of any additional information and revisions you provide following our first advice, including visits and meetings as needed

£3,120 (£2,600 + VAT)

Planning performance agreement - cost on quotation

A fully managed process for significant casework that is large in scale or complex in planning terms. Includes a named PPA team, jointly agreed timetable covering pre-application, application and implementation as appropriate, written summary of our planning advice, review meetings as required, and a validation meeting.

Cost on quotation

How do I request advice?

Send the below to

  • Completed request form (word form or pdf form)
  • Location plan
  • Existing and proposed plans if you want design comments
  • Any other supporting information you think is relevant
  • Fee

Which written advice option can I choose?

Normally we trust developers to select the advice option that best suits their needs, taking into account the size and complexity of their project, their own understanding of planning laws and policies, and the level of support and engagement they need. From time to time however we may decline to provide advice under the option selected, for example if the proposals characteristics make it unsuitable for the advice option selected. In a small number of instances we may decline to provide advice at all, for example if a proposal appears irretrievably unacceptable. Pre-application advice is offered at our discretion.

How do I pay the fee?

To pay over the phone call 01539 724555 (Mon-Fri, 0930 to 1600).

To pay by BACS:

  • Account name: Lake District National Park Authority
  • Sort-code: 01-04-66
  • Account number 33612129

Send a cheque to Lake District National Park Authority, Wayfaring House, Murley Moss, Oxenholme Road, Kendal, LA9 7RL. Cheques should be payable to Lake District National Park Authority.

How long will it take to get advice?

We have a limited number of pre-application slots available in our workload each week. When we receive requests we allocate them to slots on a first come first served basis.  We will then let you know our start date for your enquiry and the estimated turnaround time (which will vary depending on how many requests we have received). For advice and follow-up we aim to respond within four weeks from the start date. For timeline we aim to provide our first response within four weeks or a date we have agreed with you. PPAs run to a bespoke timetable.

Can I just email a Case Planner for free detailed advice instead?

Developers, the public and other third-parties cannot assign, programme, allocate or insert additional new work directly into team members' workloads. We handle around 2000 pieces of statutory casework each year. We offer pre-application advice at our discretion in addition to our legally required work. If you try to pursue detailed pre-application advice directly from our Case Planners you will be disappointed.

Will anyone else be able to read my enquiry?

Yes. We must provide copies of enquiries to the public upon request unless you have demonstrated reasons why your query is exempt information under the  Environmental Information Regulations or Freedom of Information Act - both have a presumption in favour of disclosure. Even if parts of your enquiry are exempt information, we may have to release it in part or in a redacted form. The Information Commissioner can also direct us to release information. Although we do not normally publicise requests for planning advice, we may also share information about your enquiry where the issues raised are relevant to other schemes or applications. We cannot guarantee that any enquiry will be confidential.