
Project updates

This section provides the latest updates related to the Nutrient Neutrality North West project. It offers insights into the progress and implementation of mitigation measures, enabling stakeholders to stay informed about key developments.


The Catchment Nutrients Officer and NN Team have produced updates on the Nutrient Neutrality project, which you can read below:

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Nutrient Mitigation Solutions Report

Ricardo AEA produced a Nutrient Mitigation Solutions Report analysing four catchments. The report identifies key sources of nutrient pollution and recommends mitigation solutions for stalled and future developments. Note that source apportionment may differ from Environment Agency data due to different methodologies. Read the Nutrient Mitigation Solutions Report.

Project Updates

This section includes the latest project updates from the partnership.

Row of cottages in Askham copyright Mr Hills

Occupancy Rate Review Report

The report “A Review of New Dwelling Occupancy Rates: Nutrient Neutrality Catchments - Cumbria” by Robin Miller of Understanding Data has reviewed the occupancy rate figures used in the Natural England calculator. Natural England has assessed and approved the alternative figures recommended in the report, as confirmed by their letter of support. These new figures can now be used in the Nutrient Calculators. Occupancy Rate Review

Invitation to Tender – Package Treatment Plant Contract

21 February 2025

Opportunity for Contractors: Package Treatment Plant Installation for Nutrient Neutrality

Westmorland and Furness Council, on behalf of the Nutrient Neutrality North West Partnership, is seeking qualified contractors to deliver package treatment plant (PTP) installations as part of our ongoing efforts to mitigate nutrient pollution in Cumbria’s affected catchments.

We invite experienced suppliers to tender for this contract, which will involve replacing inefficient septic tanks and wastewater treatment systems with high-performing solutions that help reduce nutrient (phosphorous) entering the four affected catchments.

This is a key opportunity to contribute to an environmentally significant initiative while working alongside a multi-agency partnership, including the Lake District National Park Authority, Cumberland Council, and Westmorland & Furness Council.

Tender Submission Deadline: Monday 24 March 2025, 12pm

How to Apply: Full details, including eligibility criteria and submission requirements, can be found in the Invitation to Tender document linked below.

Houses below Silver How in Grasmere copyright Helen Reynolds

Guidance Note on the Use of Package Treatment Plants

A guidance note for developers has been created to support the replacement of inefficient septic tanks and package treatment plants with more efficient systems.

Natural England has identified the replacement of inefficient septic tanks and package treatment plants (PTPs) as a potential method for offsetting the nutrient impacts of new developments. Read Guidance

Enhance your Tank/ PTP Scheme

Please see below the latest updates on the Enhance your Tank Scheme. For further information please check the Enhance your tank page. Enhance your Tank Scheme

Biodiversity - LDNPA

Habitat Regulations

European sites in England and Wales, including inshore waters up to 12 nautical miles from the coast, are protected under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017. A habitat regulations assessment (HRA) must be completed to determine if a proposed project could significantly harm a designated European site. The assessment's outcome will guide the decision to approve the project or plan. Habitat Regulations Assessment: Protecting a European site

10 February 2025:  We will soon launch an Invitation to Tender for a contract to carry out septic tank upgrades and secure mitigation agreements.

We will update you once we have a successful contractor in place.

Nutrient Neutrality north west

General Advice: Natural England Nutrient Neutrality and Mitigation:

30th January 2025 update: Those who submitted expressions of interest in Round One should now have been contacted about the next steps. If you submitted a tank and have not heard from us please email nutrients@nutrientneutralitynw.co.uk

13th December 2024 update: Many thanks to those who have expressed interest in the Enhance Your Tank Scheme.

We have opened the Expression of Interest forms for the Enhance your Tank scheme for Round Two.

The deadline for submissions will be the 28th February 2025.

17th September 2024 update: Guidance has been received from Natural England regarding small scale discharges to ground. Existing septic tanks and package treatment plants that meet the General Binding Rules for small scale discharges to ground can be accepted onto the scheme and used for mitigation if they meet  any one of the following:

  • The drainage field is less than 50m from the designated site boundary, OR
  • The discharge to ground is less than 200m from any other discharge to ground.
  • The drainage field is less than 40m from any surface water feature e.g. ditch, drain, watercourse, OR
  • The drainage field is in flood zone 2 or 3, OR
  • The drainage field is in an area with a slope greater than 15%, OR
  • The drainage field is in an area where the high water table groundwater depth is less than 2m below the surface at all times, OR

Current small scale discharges via a PTP to surface water are already discharging nutrients directly into a watercourse and therefore there are no criteria to meet for them to be eligible for an upgrade. However if a septic tank is discharging to surface water this legally should have been upgraded by 2020 and therefore will only be able to generate credits over and above a standard legal PTP level of discharge.

If you are unsure whether your system meets the criteria, you may wish to submit an Expression of Interest and we will work with you to identify whether it does (depending on the availability of funding and the location of the site).


15 September 2024: We are very pleased to announce the partnership have been successful with our funding bid. This government support will help us to deliver further projects aimed at tackling Nutrient Neutrality. Find out more here:  Partners and funders

The aim of the project is to unlock housing and deliver solutions at pace and at good value for money. We are quickly working towards a credit scheme to assist those stalled in the system.

Credit Scheme

We are still working towards a credit scheme and setting up arrangements needed to start up the scheme. Further information will be coming soon.

General Updates

15 September 2024: We have recently commissioned Ricardo AEA to produce an update to the Mitigation Solutions Report. This is due to be completed in early spring.  The update will focus on the impact of the TAL upgrades to local WWTW and the positive effects this will have to our rivers.

Contact Us

If you have any queries please get in touch.


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