Resources and Planning Guidance

This section provides reports and resources related to the Nutrient Neutrality North West project. You can review the wealth of information and guidance from various sources supporting the collective effort to safeguard Cumbria’s water environments while supporting sustainable development across the region.

Background Information

Submitting a Planning application

When submitting an planning application in a Nutrient neutrality area the following information must be included:

Option 1:

  • Completed Natural England nutrient neutrality budget calculator for the relevant catchment
  • Nutrient neutrality mitigation strategy
  • Shadow habitats regulations assessment

Option 2:

Evidence that all proposed thresholds for small discharges to ground as set out in Natural England Nutrient Neutrality Advice are met

Catchment Documents and Calculators

Each Nutrient Neutrality catchment has different characteristics, guidance, and calculators. To check advice and specific calculators for the appropriate catchment, go to the relevant Catchments page

Validation requirements for planning applications

If you are putting forward a planning application;

Habitats Regulations Assessments

For developments within Nutrient Neutrality catchments, it is essential to prove that the project will not negatively impact protected Habitats Sites. This must be shown through a Habitats Regulations Assessment, which must prove either that the project is likely to have no significant effect, or that the proposed mitigation solution is appropriate – in this case, ‘nutrient neutral’. The assessment's outcome will guide the decision to approve the project or plan.

For more information and guidance, please see Government guidance on HRAs.

Natural England advice and guidance

The Government has produced guidance on how to use the Natural England Nutrient Neutrality calculators. Calculators can be found by going to the relevant catchments page for your development.

This document outlines specific potential mitigation activities which are approved by Natural England. Nutrient Neutrality and Mitigation: A summary guide and frequently asked questions - NE776

This document outlines the principles of Nutrient Neutrality. Nutrient Neutrality Principles - TIN186

Natural England Reports on Nature Based Solutions as Mitigation (7th March 24): Information on Nature Based Solutions as Nutrient Mitigation - NBS2024 (

Guidance for developing nutrient mitigation solutions

If you are looking to create a mitigation strategy for your development, the following resources may assist with the scientific and practical basis.

Replacing a septic tank or PTP with a more efficient system.

The new system should be on-site and connected to the development, or if off-site, should be upstream of the development;

The new system should have a British Water Industry certification (showing mg/l of Phosphorus); and

The output of the old and new tanks must be input into the appropriate catchment calculator to determine the kg Phosphorus savings; and

The tank must be secured through a section 106 agreement for the duration of the development.

Alternatively, owners of tanks which could benefit from an upgrade can submit an Expression of Interest in the Enhance Your Tank scheme. Please note that depending on the timeline of the scheme, the second option may not align with your planning application (please see Enhance Your Tank or contact team for more details). Tanks submitted into this scheme will become a part of the NNNW credit scheme and cannot be attributed to specific planning applications.

Changing Use of Land

The site should be either on-site and connected to the development, or if off-site, should be upstream of the development;

The proposed land use change must be signed off by Natural England, see guidance on Nature Based Solutions as Nutrient Mitigation

The output of the old land use and the new land use must be input into the appropriate catchment calculator to determine the kg Phosphorus savings;

Ideally any land use change must also consider co-benefits with projects that contribute to wider nature recovery goals;

The proposal should be accompanied by a full ecological assessment of the site by a suitably experienced ecologist. Habitat mapping and all condition assessments should be supplied. Ecological reports must consider the presence of protected and priority species;  and

Proposals must be accompanied by a detailed management and monitoring plans

The site must be secured through a section 106 agreement or Conservation Covenant for the duration of the development.

Lower Water usage

You may wish to consider ways in which your development could reduce the water usage lower than the 120 litres per person per day (which is used in the calculator). Lower water usage rates should be evidenced properly and submitted with your completed budget calculator.

Sustainable Drainage Schemes (SuDs)

You may also wish to consider the inclusion and design of SuDs to maximise opportunity to capture and remove nitrogen from the surface water runoff of your proposal. The Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) has published a guide: Using SuDs to reduce nitrogen in surface water runoff (2023), intended for areas where nutrient neutrality is required. The guide outlines the design criteria for a good SuDs scheme that can maximise the opportunity to capture and remove nitrogen.

Resources and Reports

Mitigation sites

Nutrient Mitigation Solutions Report

Ricardo AEA produced a Nutrient Mitigation Solutions Report analysing four catchments. The report identifies key sources of nutrient pollution and recommends mitigation solutions for stalled and future developments. Note that source apportionment may differ from Environment Agency data due to different methodologies.

Mitigation Solution Report

An update to this report has been commissioned and is expected to be completed early spring, this update will include considerations from the TAL WWTW Upgrades.

Row of cottages in Askham copyright Mr Hills

Occupancy Rate Review Report

The report “A Review of New Dwelling Occupancy Rates: Nutrient Neutrality Catchments - Cumbria” by Robin Miller of Understanding Data has reviewed the occupancy rate figures used in the Natural England calculator. Natural England has assessed and approved the alternative figures recommended in the report, as confirmed by their letter of support. These new figures can now be used in the Nutrient Calculators. Occupancy Rate Review

Houses below Silver How in Grasmere copyright Helen Reynolds

Guidance Note on the Use of Package Treatment Plants

A guidance note for developers has been created to support the replacement of inefficient septic tanks and package treatment plants with more efficient systems.

Natural England has identified the replacement of inefficient septic tanks and package treatment plants (PTPs) as a potential method for offsetting the nutrient impacts of new developments.

PTP guidance

Eycott Hill Bog

General Advice

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