The designation of conservation areas in the National Park started in 1980. This was when the first conservation area in Ambleside was created. There are now 23 conservation areas in the National Park. We aim to review conservation areas every 10 years, making sure each conservation area has an up to date appraisal and management plan.
A Conservation Area Appraisal involves public consultation. It identifies the special architectural and historic interest of an area, assessing how it has historically developed, which elements should be retained or enhanced and which detract from its character. We also review the boundaries of the conservation area.
A Conservation Area Management Plan is also subject to public consultation. It :
Each conservation area is unique. By defining what contributes to the character of the conservation area, the appraisal and management plan can help us manage future development and enhancement and ensure that it is of good quality and sensitively designed. They also provide invaluable guidance for property owners and potential developers.
The appraisals and management plan process involves consulting with the local community, stakeholders and interest groups. Local people are key to the implementation of the management plan. Their involvement provides important local knowledge and understanding.
During the consultation period, public exhibitions may be held locally. Draft appraisals and management plans can be viewed at the Lake District National Park Offices at Murley Moss in Kendal. Or you can download them from the links to the left as they become available.
The designation and review of conservation areas, their boundaries, appraisals and management plans is an ongoing process.