We are the local planning authority for the Lake District National Park. We have to balance the demands of sustaining a prosperous economy and vibrant communities with the needs of this spectacular landscape.
Our team work across multiple offices, remotely, and out in the national park. Please do not travel to our offices without appointment - you are likely to be disappointed and unable to meet a team member.
There is a duty planner available Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 12:00pm for general telephone advice, call 01539 724555.
Email us at planning@lakedistrict.gov.uk. If you are commenting on a planning application please quote the application reference number.
Case planner contact details are available here.
Government grants planning permission for a wide range of telecoms developments, including new poles, to proceed without application. Find out more about telecoms developments in the Lake District.
Between 0930 and 1445 on 30 August 2024 we received over 900 new objections to this application. Most are citing concerns about sewage disposal and have been sent using the same template. Our normal process is that individual representations are uploaded to our website within three days. However, before doing so, every representation must be reviewed by a team member and any email addresses and phone numbers redacted. This takes time.
Individually processing the substantial numbers of representations which have been lodged with us would result in a substantial, unforeseen and unsustainable workload for our small support team. For this reason, and because most representations raise the same issues using the same template, we will not be publishing the representations we have received individually at this time.
Regardless of whether they are published to our website, all representations are available to the case planner and will be taken into account in any assessment we make. We do not send acknowledgement emails
How we manage planning enforcement, monitor implementation of planning permissions, investigate alleged cases of unauthorised development, and take action where appropriate. Plus how to report a concern.