Steamer on Windermere copyright LDNPA

Impacts of tourism

Over 18 million tourist visited the Lake District in 2023. Such large numbers of visitors bring both great advantages to the area along with some big challenges.

Positive impacts

  • The needs of tourists create new jobs
  • Tourists support local shops and products
  • Money from tourists can be used to conserve and improve the area
  • Services for tourists benefit local people, for example public transport and roads
  • Local people value and care for the environment

Negative impacts

  • Jobs in tourism are often seasonal and wages are low
  • Prices rise in shops as tourists have more money to spend
  • Shops cater for the requirements of tourists not local people
  • Large numbers of tourists can damage the environment. For example footpath erosion - take a look at Fix the Fells (opens in new window)
  • Demand for holiday homes pushes up house prices for local people. Read more in Affordable housing
  • More pollution and litter
  • More traffic congestion and parking issues
  • More pressure on infrastructure such as sewage systems, roads and facilities.