Farmer and lamb copyright Dave Willis

Economy and employment


We, the National Park Authority, have a duty to foster the economic and social wellbeing of local communities while delivering its purposes.

We work with farmers, landowners, local businesses and the tourist industry to enable businesses to thrive without compromising on the quality of the environment and access to the land.

The Vision for the National Park in 2030 states that:

"Businesses will locate in the National Park because they value the quality of opportunity environment and lifestyle it offers – many will draw on a strong connection to the landscape. Entrepreneurial spirit will be nurtured across all sectors and growth and traditional industries maintained to ensure a diverse economy".

Measures taken to support the economic and social wellbeing include:

  • Maintaining a supply of land for employment
  • Increasing access to high speed broadband
  • Providing apprenticeships for local young people


Unemployment in the national park is lower than regional and national average. In 2012-13 only one per cent of residents were claiming Jobseekers Allowance which is just over 300 people.

Levels of self employment are almost double the national rate at almost one in five of the economically active population.

Employment statistics

  • 41,000 people live in the National Park
  • 15,000 people work in tourism
  • 2,500 people work in farming

Sources: Office for National Statistics and Defra Agricultural Survey, Crown Copyright.