Sally Lansbury


The Flat, Grange Country House
Manor Brow
CA12 4BA

Telephone number:  07518294453

E-mail address:

Appointed by: Cumberland Council


First appointed to the Authority: 7 November 2024

Current Committee membership: Resources Committee;  Governance Committee

Register of Member's Interests as of 7 November 2024 (pdf)

Find out a little bit about Sally:

What was your first car?

A battered old green Skoda.

What was your first music record?

Teardrop Explodes 'Reward'.

What’s your favourite Lake District view?

Catbells and Causey Pike from my house in Keswick.

What’s your favourite walk in the Lakes?

I have summited all 214 Wainwright Fells which I am very proud of.  My favourite walk is from my home, up Walla Crag across to Watendlath and back to Keswick along the Lakeshore to a café or pub.

What’s your favourite season in the lakes?

Spring and warmer dryer days.

If you were an animal what would you be?

A horse, strong and reliable!

Any other interests/committees?

I was an elected member of Keswick Town Council and Allerdale Borough Council before election to Cumberland Council where I currently serve.

I am a trustee of Keswick Community Emergency Recovery Partnership and Co-Chair of Keswick and Braithwaite Tennis Club.

I am a core group member of Sustainable Keswick.

What’s your favourite sport?

I’m a keen walker, a handy tennis player and a yoga enthusiast.