Our members represent the public interest, and are appointed by various public bodies.
From 1 April 2023 we have 20 members made up of:
Their business is conducted through meetings of the Authority and its committees. They follow a Members Code of Conduct. The process for dealing with complaints against Members is set out in our Complaints Procedure (PDF). Members' Allowances Scheme includes details about allowances such as travel and subsistence.
Parish Councillors are appointed through a local election process administered by the Cumbrian Association of Local Councils. Members elected via this process are ratified by the Secretary of State.
Both Westmorland and Furness and Cumberland Councils nominate their candidates although they do not represent the council they come from.
Secretary of State national vacancies are widely advertised. The appointment process involves interviews of applicants. The term of those appointed to the Authority is initially for four years but can be extended to a maximum of eight years in total.
For members' contact details, simply click their name in the navigation or contact Helen Hooper, Member Services Coordinator via email Helen.Hooper@lakedistrict.gov.uk