Time: 10:00 am
Location: Boardroom, Murley Moss, Kendal, LA9 7RL.
Dowload the Lifesize video conferencing app and enter the extension 1038816 when prompted, or click on this link: https://call.lifesizecloud.com/1038816
Call in by Phone: 0800 169 6475 (From outside the UK: +44 20 3966 1745)
Meeting extension: 1038816#
Passcode: 8520#
Anyone can have a copy of the agenda and non-confidential reports before the meeting. Reports can be e-mailed as PDFs on request.
Physical copies of background papers will not be available for viewing at Murley Moss due to the current movement restrictions put in place by the Government following the Covid-19 outbreak. Papers can be e-mailed as PDFs on request. We cannot make background papers available for confidential papers.