Windermere New Boat Registration

Please allow ten days for your boat numbers and annual marks to be sent to you, your registration is only complete once the mark and numbers are on your boat.

Owner details
Vessel details
Primary colour *
Secondary colour
I am the registered owner and I agree to abide by the Windermere Registration Byelaws 2008 and the Windermere Navigation Byelaws 2008 *
Date *
We would like to keep in contact about upcoming news, events and activities by email. You can unsubscribe at any time.

How long we will retain personal data and your photograph for

  • We will retain personal details (including your photo) for three years after your last registration, after which personal information will be removed.
  • All interactions between our officers and lake users are recorded on our Registration Database and are held for three years.’
  • Details about how we collect and us your information are contained in our Privacy Notice.