Windermere Boat Registration Renewal

Cost: £35.00 for registration renewals per boat, pay using the form below.

For replacement single self-adhesive numbers (£1 each) or to change your address, please contact: windermere.registration or call 01539 724555.

This is the boat number on your email/letter. If you are renewing more than one vessel, please enter each number followed by a comma, no space between. i.e. 67890,67899,67898.
We would like to keep in contact about upcoming news, events and activities by email. You can unsubscribe at any time.

How long we will retain personal data for.

  • We will retain personal details for three years after your last registration, after which personal information will be removed.
  • If a byelaw warning is given, we will retain personal details for 3 years, after which, personal information will be removed.
  • If we report you for court action, we will retain personal details for 7 years, after which, personal information will be removed.
  • Details about how we collect and us your information are contained in our Privacy Notice.