Policies Map

The Policies Map displays the policies and site allocations of the Local Plan 2020-2035. We have prepared an interactive map which allows users to see the designations and allocations in the areas in which the policies apply. There are too many policy designations to be shown on one map so the information has been listed by its relevance to each policy in the Local Plan. Where there is not map tab for a policy number, there is no spatial data to display. These maps and data are for use in relation to the Local Plan adopted on 19th May 2021.

Using the maps:
- To search for a postal address, please use the ‘Location’ bar above each map. Alternatively, zoom in using your mouse wheel and data will appear.
- Use the tick boxes to the left of the map to turn data layers on and off.
- Click on a feature on the map for more information. Hover over the pop-up boxes. If a ‘+’ sign appears, for example of the Policy ‘pop-ups’ click for further information.

Understanding the data:
- data are shown at different map scales, depending on the topic and licencing and copyright agreements. For example, you will not be able to zoom in as far to view landscape-scale data such as the Landscape Character Assessment (which is mapped at 1:25,000), as for Allocations of Land which have been mapped more accurately. Some data sets, particularly those supplied by third parties, are subject to change and the relevant organisation should be contacted if definitive information is required.

Local Plan © Lake District National Park Authority 2024. © Crown copyright and database right 2024 Ordnance Survey AC0000807483. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions of the Ordnance Survey Public Sector Geospatial Agreement. You are granted a non-exclusive, royalty free revocable licence solely to view the licensed data for non-commercial purposes for the period during which the LDNPA makes it available. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. Copyright and licencing information are shown at the bottom of each map.

If you are using a mobile phone or tablet you may find the controls more difficult. We recommend using a computer.

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