This map contains all planning and tree work applications which have been submitted to the LDNPA. It also contains all enforcement records which have resulted in a notice - Enforcement Notices. The map does not include planning enquiries, planning applications older than 1974, or enforcements which did not result in a notice. Follow the ‘more details’ link within the webmap to find more information concerning individual applications and enforcement notices. For further details and copies of enforcement notices, please contact quoting the enforcement notice reference found on the map.

In 2016, the Lake District National Park was extended by 29 Miles (70 Km2). As part of this process, we now hold location data for all planning applications in these areas; data previously maintained by South Lakeland and Eden district councils. Where one of these records is returned below, please follow the link which will redirect to the SLDC and Eden planning portals.

Zoom in to a location to display planning applications using the scroll wheel or navigation buttons. Use the tick boxes to show historic planning applications or enforcement notices. Use the ‘find current applications‘ button to show recent submissions and associated details and documentation.