End of year report 2022-2023

Business Name, TownGrant AwardedTotal Project Cost Project Start Date Project End DateProject Description
Mosedale End Farm, Mosedale, Cumbria.  £25,283.23 £11,704.54 7/1/2022 2/28/2024 Repair a traditional barn's wooden floor to that more hay can be made, improving hay meadows and biodiversity  and reducing plastic wrapping needed for bales. Good for habitats and lowering carbon footprint.
Restoration of traditional boundaries to maintain the farm's historic features.
Fencing off river banksto exclude stock and allow edges to  naturally regenerate making the area more resistant to flooding and improving habitat.  
West Cumbria Rivers Trust, Keswick, Cumbria.  £8.948.87 £8,411.32 7/27/2022 3/31/2024 Bengarth sustainable water supply: To provide a piped water supply and water troughs within 12  fields. 
Ewelock Bank Farm, Greenholme, Cumbria.  £3,629.00 £1,773.00 6/30/2022 3/31/2024 Enhancment of work to improve habitats for bees, bats and owls by providing boxes and hives for them to live, breed and overwinter in.   
Ullswater Catchment CIC,Penrith, Cumbria. £23,319.36 £23,319.36 9/22/2021 5/5/2022 Ullswater wildlife corridor establishment and rush mower: Working with local farmers around Ullswater to improve habitats. Creating shelter belts, planting native trees and shrubs. Purchasing a flail mower for the local farmers to use to shred rush and improve habitats.  
Federation of Cumbria Commoners, Ashbank Farm, Gamblesby, Cumbria.  £67,600.00 £66,365.80 8/16/2022 3/31/2023 The Lakelands Shepherds' Guide has, for the last century been updated every 20 years, the last update being in 2005.  The objective is to update the Lakeland Shepherds' Guide and produce it in traditional book form, and also a digitized version, tht can be made more broadly available on a new website giving general information on hill farming, commoning, sheep breeds and their contribution to the Lake District WHS. The updated version of the Shepherds' Guide will also provide an analysis of the changes in hill farming over the last 20 years.  
Food, Farming and Countryside Commission, Cumbria £2,000.00 £2,000.00 3/3/2022 4/8/2022 FFCC: Development of a Farming Smarter Toolkit which amis to support upland livestock farm businesses.

FIPL End of Year Report 2021/22